Custom Video (Option 2) - Personalized Message
Miss Katie will film a custom video for the recipient which includes:
-Singing a hello song using your child’s name
-Celebrating the occasion of your choice
-A personalized message with any details to make them feel extra special!
average duration: 1:00
Miss Katie will film a custom video for the recipient which includes:
-Singing a hello song using your child’s name
-Celebrating the occasion of your choice
-A personalized message with any details to make them feel extra special!
average duration: 1:00
Miss Katie will film a custom video for the recipient which includes:
-Singing a hello song using your child’s name
-Celebrating the occasion of your choice
-A personalized message with any details to make them feel extra special!
average duration: 1:00
Some ideas to help with brainstorming personalized details: Is there an activity/sport/animal you child has been especially interested in? Are there any pets or routines that would be fun for me to mention? Is there something they find silly that I could say? Feel free to write multiple things!
(Please order by December 18 for videos needed in time for Christmas.)
If you have any questions, reach out at